If you’re new to Northeast Florida Sisters in Crime and want to become part of our dynamic organization, we’d love to have you as a member. Scroll down to learn more.

Membership in the Northeast Florida Sisters in Crime

Come join other like-minded crime and mystery writers and become a true Sister in Crime!
We have a monthly roster of dynamic and interesting speakers as well as a good supportive group to help you on your way in the field of mystery writing.

The benefits of membership include access to Zoom hybrid chapter meetings, collaborative groups for marketing and promotion, and discounted admission to our annual workshop.

Fill Out the Online Application Below – After You Hit the Submit button Pay Your Dues With the PayPal Button

If you would rather mail in the application with a check
Click here to download the Application form.

Dues for the LOCAL CHAPTER are $20 per calendar year.

You can either pay using PayPal (press the “Buy Now” button after the online application) or mail your check to us at:
P.O. Box 24141, Jacksonville, FL 32241-4141.


BECOME A National Sisters in Crime Member


Stay in the Know

To stay up-to-date on our programs, events and even the latest books written by our members, complete the following info. We promise that we will not send more than a couple emails per month and will not sell or give your address to others. SIGN UP FOR OUR NEWSLETTER

Reach Us

Do you have a specific question? Send us a short message and please give us no more than 24 hours to respond. USE OUR CONTACT FORM

Snail Mail
P.O. Box 24141
Jacksonville, FL 32241-4141
Message Phone: ‪(904) 800-7786‬
Join Our Facebook Group